Harvester Livestock Scales
Harvester Livestock Scales are ideal for feedstuff lots, stockyards and private farmhouses. The Harvester Livestock Scales made by Cardinal-USA features patent-pending compacted solid decks and contain of livestock pens with two-sided swipe doors with easy-to-close handles (comes with factory assembled). The uneven solid floor offers guaranteed footing for livestock. Cardinal’s Harvester Livestock Scales features a 0.8-inch-high gap amid the dense deck and steel cattle pen permits space for convenient washout cleaning and is invisible to cattle from above. It is certifies by NTEP legal-for-trade LSC series farm scale uses Cardinal’s 20,000-lb model SB stainless steel shear beam load cells which featuresgreater welded waterproof covers and shield against acidic, causticsurroundings. Harvester Livestock Scales are available in multiple overall capacities options such as 12.5, 25, or 30 ton. It comes with different sizes up to 52.5 ft long x 10 ft wide.